Monday, March 19, 2007

Ban Asbestos in America

Last Congress, Senator Murray re-introduced her bill to Ban Asbestos in America. This year Murray is renewing the call for support of her bill.

Although many Americans believe that asbestos has already been banned and its victims have been compensated by the courts, the EWG Action Fund study reports that 30 million pounds of asbestos are used in the U.S. each year, lists dozens of widely-used consumer products that still contain it, and says more than one million workers are exposed every year. Are you one of them?

I simply cannot comprehend why asbestos wasn't banned 50 years ago. I mean, we can send a spacecraft on a 2 billion mile journey and land it on an asteroid hurtling through space at a modest 28,000 mph, but we can't figure out how to make brake pads without killing 10,000 people each year. Amazing.

Write your Senator today in support of the bill.

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